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Sunday, November 8, 2009

in lieu with Sarah's early birthday celebration!

SMS sent out, please reply ASAP.
Thanks a ton!


♥ Love letters @
8:08 PM

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Hey guys!
Mugging hard for the upcoming paper now?
Just wanna to tell anyone of your that have our class's photo one to sent me all the photos.
I'll be collating the photos and make it into a video and might give you on the release of O's result.
Not confirm yet:D

If any of your have the photo just pass to me by thumbdrive or add me at skype or msn,

P/S: i seldom use msn, skype more often!

♥ Love letters @
11:30 PM

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

but nvrmind, plenty of chances to come.
because i am going to organise outings,
during the long long holidays after O's {!}




♥ Love letters @
8:16 AM

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

hello everyone, how's preparations for O's? (:

Tomorrow is Graduation Day, feeling excited?
Actually, kinda looked forward yet dreaded this day to come.
Because we're finally free from long school hours,
but on the other hand we wont be able to see each other everyday.

Sad isnt it, life still has to go on.
All the best to 4ITGians for O Levels.
Study hard, then play hard after the papers are over.

Will upload memories of 4ITG when im free.
Stay in contact through phone yeahs! :D

will organise another outing after O's!
and please update me if you change number alrights!(:

♥ Love letters @
6:58 AM

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

will upload photos after prelims.
(lazy + photobucket laggy)

♥ Love letters @
4:52 AM

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

hello 4ITGians!
im here to talk about the BBQ again :D

please be reminded that the BBQ is on this coming SATURDAY @ 7pm!
haha, I know this post is rather redundant, so yah..

See you there!

♥ Love letters @
2:13 AM

Friday, August 14, 2009

Hello people!
This is Hwee Hwa (again, duh!) :D

Anyway, class BBQ will be held on 29th August!
Most likely, the venue would be at Fushan Garden.

Don't ask me why, I can only say it's convenient.
Moreover, it is near & don't forget the Muslim pupils are fasting.
You cant expect them to travel long distances when they cant even drink water right (:

So, the pit would be booked Monday.
Will only change the venue if Fushan Garden's pit is not available.

As for budget wise, it is currently set to $5 per head.
Will adjust to not more than $10 if necessary.
But I'll try not to, I know it'd be expensive.

Time for the BBQ will be 7pm to probably 9.30pm, up to you to stay longer.
Much appreciated if you can come earlier to help in the preparations.
If you're lazy, just come at 7pm or later, I'll get it done with some others.


I urge all of you to come join in the fun if you can.
We are parting in less than 3 months, and we probably wont gather after that.
* or maybe class chalet after O's *
But still, don't be such a spoilsport please ~
Just come down, eat, and have fun!

Look forward to more people participating!
Tell me more names on Monday! (:

♥ Love letters @
8:18 AM